
Welcome to my blog. I’ll be posting tips about interviewing, budgeting, and meal prepping. Hope you find it useful!

Top 3 Tips Towards your Next Promotion

Top 3 Tips Towards your Next Promotion

If you want it you gotta go for it:

  1. Remind management about your expectations. If your priority is getting that next promotion, then you need that to make your priority of a promotion of of your boss’s priorities as well. Patience is NOT key here. Management is human too and can put your promotion on the backburner without following through on this step. This can be done in a casual setting or by setting up time one on one time with your manager.

  2. Utilize performance reviews. I cannot emphasize this enough. Performance reviews are there for a reason. PUT IT IN WRITING. If you consistently track all the work you do on paper, then the company has zero reason not to promote you. Detail every accomplishment or praise, in fact make yourself a “kudos” list throughout the year so you don’t forget when that time comes back around.

  3. Play big game! Be prepared to walk away if they don’t offer what you are looking for. It’s better to work for a company that values you, then continue working somewhere that doesn’t see your worth. If the promotion is deserved and documented, then you can easily go somewhere else with your top notch skillset. Keep in your head though that EVERYONE IS REPLACEABLE. That means always keep your resume and LinkedIn profile current.

Good luck! Comment your thoughts below.

7 Simple Do's and Don’ts in The Work Place

7 Simple Do's and Don’ts in The Work Place

Top 5 tips for What to Wear to an Interview

Top 5 tips for What to Wear to an Interview